Little Learners

Leading the way, learning through play.

Team Spotlights

Introducing Niall, Little Learners Nursery Chef

This month, we're talking with Niall, who joined our Little Learners Nursery team earlier this year. As a chef for one of our nursery settings, Niall provided our Little Learners with home-cooked and nutritious meals to give them the energy they need for a day of learning through play. How would you describe your family? They taught me to always...

1 year ago

 by LifeLine Comms Team


Official opening and other happenings at Little Learners Ambleside

On Friday 3rd March, we were delighted to welcome local MP Jon Cruddas to officially open our latest Little Learners Nursery, located on Ambleside Avenue in Elm Park. Mr. Cruddas MP was shown around the 37-place nursery by LifeLine CEO Nathan Singleton and Little Learners Senior Manager Becca Clements, and spoke with them about state of childcare nationally and LifeLine's...

2 years ago

 by LifeLine Comms Team


A lifetime commitment to our communities

Like any parent, when I became a father, I wanted my children to get the best start in life. An important part of this was making sure we could be the best parents possible and provide opportunities for our children that would help them develop new life skills. This required sacrifices but we wanted them to have a solid foundation...

2 years ago

 by Nathan Singleton


Parents in Elm Park now benefiting from new Little Learners nursery

We are extremely excited to announce the opening of our second Little Learners nursery in Elm Park, expanding on our current offering in response to growing demands for childcare in the area. Located in a renovated residential property on Ambleside Avenue, this new nursery offers a further 37 places for local children to join the Little Learners family and learn...

2 years ago

 by Elspeth Paisley

Team Spotlights

Introducing Fatma Mbwana, Little Learners Nursery Manager

We are very pleased to welcome Fatma to the LifeLine team as manager of My parents are Bajun. The Bajunis are a mix of many different people including Bantus, Persians, Arabs and Somalis. When our community was pushed out of Somalia, my family resettled in Kenya. As we were classified as refugees, this gave my family the opportunity to move...

3 years ago

 by LifeLine Comms Team


New Little Learners Nursery coming soon to Elm Park

LifeLine is known for placing great emphasis on how it works with people. But this is not always about individuals—sometimes we have to respond to the needs of the community as a whole.We have always recognised that different communities we work with have their own unique needs which require their own locally-based solutions. We listen together and we change together...

3 years ago

 by LifeLine Comms Team


Compassion will unite us all

On 7th May 2020 the city of Richmond, Virginia, USA joined the International Charter for Compassion, a global movement guided by the Golden Rule of treating others as you wish others to treat you. Richmond wants compassion to be at the core of its community. What if every organisation put compassion at the core of their business culture?

4 years ago

 by Nathan Singleton


Have we forgotten how to play?

Just recently, I was speaking with a close friend of mine on what it was like to finally be able to interact with each other face-to-face again. The conversation turned to how our children were coping, and he began to tell me of a recent event – his son had his friends come over to the house to play together,...

4 years ago

 by Nathan Singleton


Joined-up services create community

The word 'ubuntu' expresses the African philosophy of wholeness – it presupposes that one's humanity is bound up with nature and with other people in the community. A popular idiom in many African communities is 'one is an animal but two is a community': humanity comes through being part of the community; all human beings are members of an extended...

4 years ago

 by Dr Anne Smith PhD

chatty toddler with playdough

COVID-19 might threaten, but vigilance and creativity answer!

"My child started at Little Learners Nursery in August (2020), and I couldn't be happier with how she's settled in. The staff are so welcoming and helpful. They provide photos, written updates and development updates through the day and it's easily accessible through the [Tapestry™] app*. I would highly recommend this nursery" It's been quite a roller coaster ride since...

4 years ago

 by Elspeth Paisley


Welcoming back our Little Learners to nursery

We proud to say that our two Little Learners nurseries re-opened at the start of July following the easing of lockdown. And our outstanding teams have been working hard to ensure that measures are in place to keep your little ones safe. Both our sites – found in Elm Park and Ilford – are running ongoing safety measures, with regular...

5 years ago

 by Joni Blyth

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