News and articles

The latest updates from LifeLine Projects.

Parents in Elm Park now benefiting from new Little Learners nursery

We are extremely excited to announce the opening of our second Little Learners nursery in Elm Park, expanding on our current offering in response to growing demands for childcare in the area. Located in a renovated residential property on Ambleside Avenue, this new nursery offers a further 37 places for local children to join the Little Learners family and learn...

2 years ago

 by Elspeth Paisley


Mentoring: the key to releasing agents for change

Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care. Theodore Roosevelt When I was growing up, I was lucky enough to have a stable family and caring extended family that provided me the guidance and support that I needed. Like most children, I learnt by observing adults and then imitating them, particularly the ones They should...

2 years ago

 by Nathan Singleton


LifeLine partners with London Youth on London-wide mentoring development

We are very pleased to announce that We'll be working in partnership with London Youth to deliver a London-wide training and development programme aimed at community groups and providers who are engaging with Supporting and challenging young people to become the best they can be London Youth work with thousands of young people across London, supported by a large network...

2 years ago

 by LifeLine Comms Team

Team Spotlights

Introducing Jayden, young person and SW!TCH Ambassador

This month we chat with Jayden, a young person involved with I wouldn't know how to react. I guess negative? I get nervous that they might be stopping me for no reason. If they listened to more young people, it would help.The LifeLine stop and search workshops I attended taught me about knife crime situations and about what was happening...

2 years ago

 by LifeLine Comms Team


Volunteers wanted: mentoring for young people in gangs in Havering

Our SW!TCH Lives team are currently looking for volunteers to work with our mentoring programme for youth people in Havering.We're working with young people who are engaged with Probation and Youth Justice Services in Havering to provide in-depth mentoring services and help them make the choices that will lead them out of gang and violent lifestyles. Download application form

2 years ago

 by LifeLine Comms Team


Referrals wanted: Serious Group Violence mentoring in Havering

Our SW!TCH Lives are currently seeking referrals to our mentoring programme in relation to Serious Group Violence in the London Borough of Havering.Our team are working with young people who are engaged with Probation and Youth Justice Services in Havering to provide in-depth mentoring services and help them make the choices that will lead them out of gang and violent...

2 years ago

 by LifeLine Comms Team


Offering support for every kind of family

We need diversity of thought in the world to face the new challenges. Tim Berners-Lee Over the many years that I've worked in the charity sector, I've seen countless new initiatives and programmes launched with the aim of supporting and helping families.I once took part in a team-building exercise that involved everyone being given six Lego bricks. You were given...

2 years ago

 by Nathan Singleton

Team Spotlights

Introducing Serea Reid, Youth Development Worker and Outreach Coordinator

This month, we'd like to introduce you to Serea, an outstanding youth worker who joined our SW!TCH team earlier this year and has been coordinated the delivery of our positive activities and other outreach activities across local boroughs. Have you always worked in the charity sector? Mental health doesn't get a lot of prominence, particularly in the black community. From...

2 years ago

 by LifeLine Comms Team


LifeLine and StreetGames grow mentoring across London

StreetGames' expertise is in using the power of sport to transform young lives and bring communities together, and we're proud to be able to use that expertise to support LifeLine in their work providing much needed support to young people who might otherwise find themselves heading down the wrong path. James Gregory, Area Director, StreetGames The core aims of the...

2 years ago

 by LifeLine Comms Team


Commitment enhances our bonds with the community

In Danny Wallace's memoir, 'Yes Man', he recounts how he chose to say 'yes' to just about anything that was offered to him for an entire year. The idea was that, if you take that leap of faith and make a commitment to something you'd normally reject, you just might end up happier for it.There's someone I know, an old...

2 years ago

 by Nathan Singleton


Capacity building programme SW!TCH Communities receives extra funding

LifeLine is pleased to announce that our capacity building programme, SW!TCH Communities, has received extra funding from London's

2 years ago

 by LifeLine Comms Team

Team Spotlights

Introducing Agne Pilkauskiene, Healthwatch Engagement and Project Officer

This month, we'd like to introduce Agne, who joined our Healthwatch Barking and Dagenham team in July as an Engagement and Project Officer. If you live in the borough, you might have met her already when she's been out and about running pop-up stands and carrying out surveys to gather feedback from the public on local health and care services....

2 years ago

 by LifeLine Comms Team

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