Team Spotlights

Introducing Junior Youth Development Workers Dara and Sara

This month, we're delighted to introduce two recent additions to our SW!TCH team, Dara and Sara. They first came to us as mentees through the SW!TCH, before rising to the challenge and supporting other young people as SW!TCH Ambassadors. Now they've become fully-fledged members of the team as our new Junior Youth Development Workers.We hope you enjoy hearing about their...

3 years ago

 by LifeLine Comms Team


Updates on capacity-building in Havering and Redbridge

Six months on, Anistasia and Kerry from the SW!TCH team share some updates on the progress of our capacity building progamme in Havering and Redbridge. Our team have been supporting and strengthening the local communities of Harold Hill and Hainault, working to develop a local response to serious youth violence and enable them to protect and support young people who...

3 years ago

 by LifeLine Comms Team


LifeLine wins £500k funding to expand youth work in east London

We're very excited to announce that LifeLine Projects has recently been awarded £500,000 from the Mayor of London's New Deal for Young People fund to deliver our award-winning SW!TCH mentoring programme to schools across Barking and Dagenham, Havering, and Redbridge for the next two years.

3 years ago

 by LifeLine Comms Team


LifeLine to continue championing health and care through local Healthwatch

LifeLine Projects are delighted to announce we have been appointed by Barking and Dagenham Council to deliver Healthwatch in the borough after a tender process. LifeLine have hosted Healthwatch for the last five years and will continue to ensure that residents' voices are heard and that their feedback makes a difference. In the coming months, the team will work on...

3 years ago

 by LifeLine Comms Team

Team Spotlights

Introducing Ruth Lowe, Head of Young People’s Services

We're excited to welcome Ruth to the LifeLine team, where she'll be guiding our youth work and the SW!TCH programme as our new Head of Young People's Services. We hope you enjoy getting to know Ruth as much as we did!

3 years ago

 by LifeLine Comms Team

Team Spotlights

A farewell to Daniel Chery, SW!TCH Minds Manager

At the end of last month, we said farewell to Daniel Chery, who had been managing our SW!TCH Minds programme for the past two-and-a-half years. We're sad to see Daniel go, as his passion for supporting young people and drive for improvement were truly invaluable to the team. We wish Daniel all the best in his future endeavours.

3 years ago

 by LifeLine Comms Team


Friendly Places? How faith can respond to mental health

3 years ago

 by LifeLine Comms Team


Current SW!TCH Activities

Our SW!TCH team are out and about, holding positive activities for young people across Barking and Dagenham, Havering, and Redbridge. See the timetable below to find out where they'll be! If you want to join in, get in touch with us by calling 020 8597 2900 or emailing us at [email protected].

3 years ago

 by LifeLine Comms Team

Team Spotlights

Introducing Humerah Khan, Head of Finance

This month, we're excited to sit down and chat with Humerah, a valued member of our Support Services department who assists the whole team with her wide knowledge of financial and accounting matters.

3 years ago

 by LifeLine Comms Team


SW!TCHed minds, changed lives: the impact of SW!TCH Minds on vulnerable young people

We wanted to share a few of the inspiring stories we've been hearing from young people currently taking part in SW!TCH Minds.

3 years ago

 by LifeLine Comms Team

Team Spotlights

Introducing Anistasia James, Community Development Worker

We are excited to welcome Anistasia to the LifeLine team, who will be working on our new capacity-building SW!TCH Communities programme in the local area. We hope you enjoy getting to know Ani as much as we did!

3 years ago

 by LifeLine Comms Team


LifeLine launches new community capacity building programme

LifeLine is pleased to announce the launch of a new capacity building programme, SW!TCH Communities. The programme is funded by the

3 years ago

 by LifeLine Comms Team

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