Capacity building programme SW!TCH Communities receives extra funding

October 13, 2022

LifeLine is pleased to announce that our capacity building programme, SW!TCH Communities, has received extra funding from London’s Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime through the Violence Reduction Unit and the local councils of Barking and Dagenham, Redbridge, and Havering. The programme will now be extended to 31 Mar 2023.

I had no idea all of this existed—we need people like you to look out for us. No one ever wants to just chat but I know I can chat with you!

Great work, you’re always looking out for us!

I’ve been looking for something exactly like this to get involved in, something for the community I grew up in and love, that just needs a little love.

The capacity building team has been supporting and strengthening the local communities to respond to serious youth violence. Our team has connected with local community leaders and existing groups and local panels to discuss local needs, formed a local Response Group, held coffee mornings and door knocking to consult with local people, held outreach sessions in local schools to garner young people’s views and engagement in training and delivery, conducted resident and stakeholder surveys, organised community-led meetings, and provided training workshops for the community.  

The main aim of all of the capacity building activities is to ensure that communities can protect and support young people who might be at risk of violence.

Mayor of London Office for Policing and Crime
The London Borough of Barking and Dagenham
The London Borough of Havering
The London Borough of Redbridge

The programme's targets are:

Activities include:

Training will be given on:

Please get in touch if you’d like to be part be part of the capacity building programme. We’ll teach you all the skills and knowledge you’ll need to support young people in your local area.

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