Champions Support Network returns to support more parents and carers

October 29, 2021

We’re pleased to announce that the Champions Support Network, our programme to support parents and carers through peer mentoring, has received new funding and will offering support well into 2022.

The Champions Support Network originally began in late 2020, when our SW!TCH team identified a growing need for support for the families of the young people they work with. The programme was funded by the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) through the Violence Reduction Unit and the local councils of Barking and Dagenham, Redbridge, and Havering. We trained 48 mentors to support 154 families. Parents and carers with their own learned experience and knowledge provided an assortment of training workshops to better equip parents and carers for raising a child. Sadly, the funding only lasted until March 2021.

With new funding, the extended programme is to be delivered over the next six months. The project will benefit parents and carers of young people who are at risk of violence, exploitation or grooming. People often struggle to find the appropriate support/solutions for their complex problems. They will be supported to navigate their way through the education, legal, health or social care system(s). The programme will also help make parent/carers more aware of methods for tackling behaviours that may lead to serious youth violence.

With this relaunch, we’ve reviewed and looked over our past successes and revised our approach. Instead of training up specific peer mentors, we’ll be building a new community of parents and carers, equipping them with the skills and knowledge they need to support each other and others in their local area. We’ve already started up a series of regular training workshops; see below for more info and  how to join!


'Difficult Conversations' discussions

Join the Champions Support Network!

The Champions Support Network is available to parents and carers who live in:

Champions Support Network 2020-21

Peer Mentor Champions recruited
parents and carers mentored
were satisfied with their support
0 %
made a positive change in their life as a result
0 %
were more confident after their mentoring
0 %
improved their relationship with their child
0 %
felt better connected to others, even during the pandemic
0 %

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