SW!TCH’s summer programme of activities for young people

July 22, 2021

How do you keep your kids busy throughout the summer?

If you need help thinking of some fun things to do this summer that won’t break the bank, our SW!TCH team have got an awesome list of activities for 11-16 year olds planned, including a range of sports, exciting trips and residentials, and the chance to learn exciting new skills such as drumming.

Have a look at the full list below to see what we have on offer—if you’re interested, make sure to get in touch with our SW!TCH team for more information and to book your place if required.

Regular activitiesTripsResidentials
27th July Football and Rugby, Havering, 2pm – 4pm
28th – 30th July Girls Residental, Norfolk Lakes
28th July Football, Goals, 1pm – 3pm
29th July Bootzmama Art
30th July Football, Goals, LBBD, 1pm – 4pm
2nd August Stubbers
3rd August Nandos
3rd August Football and Rugby, Havering, 2pm – 4pm
4th August Football, Goals, 1pm – 3pm
4th August Puttshack
5th August Bootzmama art trip and sessions
6th August Football Tournament, Goals, 1pm – 4pm
9th – 11th August Ambassador Training Ferny Crofts
9th August Revision Day for Y10/11, Central Park, Havering
10th August Football and Rugby, Havering, 2pm – 4pm
11th August Stop and Search
12th August Bootzmama Art
13th August Football, Goals, 1pm – 4pm
13th – 16th August Residential, Avon Tyrell
17th August Girls’ Football, Goals
18th August Football Tournament, Goals
19th August Cinema
19th August Flip Out, 1pm
20th August Football, 1pm – 4pm
23rd August Drumworks, LBBD, 2pm – 6pm
24th August Drumworks, LBBD, 2pm – 6pm
24th August Puttshack
25th August Flip Out, 1pm
25th August Football, Goals, 1pm – 3pm
26th August Bootzmama Art
26th August Foot Golf
27th August Football, 1pm – 4pm
31st August Lazer Tag
31st August Girls’ Football, Goals
1st September Jump Evolution, 1pm
1st September Southend
2nd September Bootzmama Art
3rd September Football, Goals, 1pm- 4pm
3rd September DJ workshop

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